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Karnataka encourages COVID-19 patients to take a seven-day mandatory isolation leave.


As of December 26, there were 436 current cases of COVID-19 in the state.

Following an increase in COVID-19 cases in Karnataka, the state government proposed a set of steps aimed at limiting the virus’s spread on Tuesday, December 26. The government has decided on steps such as wearing masks, following COVID guidelines, and not sending children with symptoms to school. The precautionary measures were announced following a cabinet sub committee meeting on COVID-19 met by Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao.

As of December 26, the state had received reports of 436 current COVID-19 cases. There are 400 people in home isolation and 36 in hospitals. From Tuesday, the daily testing objective has been set at 5,000 samples per day.

The government has also agreed to provide senior persons with preventive vaccinations. According to the press statement, up to 30,000 preventive doses of COVID-19 vaccine would be obtained for vaccinations, with a specific focus on older individuals and immunocompromised people.

However, the announcement stated that no new limitations on movement, travel, or New Year’s Eve festivities have been enforced. It stated that there would be no monitoring or screening at state boundaries.

“The government is not imposing any restrictions on New Year’s Eve celebrations or gatherings.” “However, a general advisory has been issued to wear masks in crowded areas and adhere to COVID-appropriate practices, such as maintaining social distance and using disinfectants or hand washing,” the Health Minister stated.

He also stated that if people develop COVID-19 but do not require hospital stay, they should stay at home for a week. “Those in both the government and non-government sectors who are subjected to home isolation should be granted one week of unpaid leave.” “In this regard, guidelines will be issued,” he said.

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