What to eat on an empty stomach: Start your day with walnuts to boost heart health, avoid diabetes

Benefits of walnuts for health Due to their adaptability, walnuts can be easily added to a wide range of recipes, replacing meat with a plant-based option that also perfectly balances other nutrient-dense foods.

Nothing compares to a glass of warm lemon water or a handful of nuts, such as walnuts or almonds, when it comes to what to eat first thing in the morning. It’s the go-to recipe for getting in better shape and staying healthy, strengthened against a variety of illnesses and infections.

Most nutritionists and dietitians are going to attest to the fact that nuts are a common addition to many breakfasts and offer several health advantages. Walnuts are at the top of this list of the best foods to eat when you’re not hungry, mainly because they’re a great source of plant-based polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly ALA. The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend including one ounce of nuts, such as walnuts, five times a week in a balanced diet.

Due to their adaptability, walnuts can be easily added to a wide range of recipes, replacing meat as a plant-based option while also blending in well with other nutrient-dense foods.

Here are some Health Benefits of Walnuts:


Keep Heart Healthy

Walnuts provide a shield for the health of your heart by lowering the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Their critical role in lowering coronary artery risk, increasing the latter function, and improving heart health in young to middle-aged adults has been highlighted by recent studies. The heart-protective properties of walnuts are attributed to their antioxidant and omega-3 fatty acid content.


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Guard Against Diabetes

There is evidence that consuming walnuts lowers the risk of type II diabetes. The nutrient profile of walnuts, which includes antioxidants, fibre, and healthy fats, helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Have Age-Defying Effects

Wish to appear more youthful? Chew on walnuts. According to some, these nuts can slow down age-related declines. Their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities help to lessen the effects of ageing. Additionally, they enhance memory as you age and support brain health.

Reduce cancer risk

Research has suggested that eating walnuts may lower the risk of breast cancer, especially in those cases. Eating walnuts may alter the behaviour of genes linked to breast cancer. It’s possible that walnuts’ active ingredients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols, contribute to their potential anticancer properties. According to a study, following a two-week walnut treatment, 456 genes in breast cancer samples changed, influencing the pathways that regulate cancer cell behaviour.

Boosts longevity

Increased consumption of walnuts has been linked to longer life expectancies, particularly in older people. Walnuts contain a wide range of nutrients that support health and increase life expectancy, such as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

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